Sunday, December 24, 2006

living a celebrity life

Newborn, originally uploaded by annaiam. photograph by anna

i have to say life had been pretty cool having a photographer around me all the time. it is like every significant moment in my life are no longer just memories but recorded down. isn't that just sweet. anyway that is baby brandon, he is only two days old but look at the amount of hair on his head. he is the joy of one of my thursday bunch girls.

what's with me and babies this year, my goodness i am seeing a whole new generation of kids birth in front of me everday.

i had been having sore throat, running nose and cough since i came back from bangkok. the latter had remained and got worst. so bad till i was woken up now at such ungodly hours. it is not that bad in the day compared to the night. maybe i just need to sit up to sleep. let me go try it out now :) good night.


Sam said...

Your boy needs to knoe how to take good big pictures.

Hot stuff ;o)

chaiyen said...

don't add one more critirea into the list... i might never get a guy if not.